An easy, wholesome pantry staple.

My favorite part of homesteading is all the wisdom in these old-fashioned food traditions. In past generations this approach was done in attempt to being thrifty, but now wholesome simple throw in the pot food from the farm is becoming more and more known for the health benefits too! I’m not going to rant too much about Bone Broth benefits- for more info- jump on Google and go down that rabbit hole. There’s plenty of good resources!

Around the time that bone broth was hitting my my social media feeds, my dear friend Lisa Hawks- A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, ( was hosting a bone broth class and out of my ignorance I signed up. I left fascinated not only with the broth benefits but at how stinkin’ simple it was to make- like why have I not made this?!

Broth vs. Stock
STOCK- is made from water simmered with vegetables, meat scraps, bones and a few seasonings. It is cooked for: a few hours.
BONE BROTH- is made from water simmered with vegetables, meat scraps, bones and a few seasonings. It is cooked for: 8-12 hours in a stock pot (10-15 in a crockpot). Simmer, simmer, simmer- this breaks down the bones and extracts its contents—such as collagen, amino acids, and minerals that are hanging out in the marrow and carcass.
The problem with store bought stocks + broths- most do not contain the beneficial nutrients from the actual meat, bones and veggies. They are flavored with bouillon cubes, primary ingredient being sodium (salt). Get out your stock -or- crock pot & lets do this!

DIY Homemade Bone Broth:
1-Place bones from chicken, beef, pork, turkey (any amount will do, you will just adjust the liquid) into a stock pot -or- crockpot.
* I used Pork hocks this time.

2- Rough chop veggies (carrots, onions, garlic, celery, & herbs are my go to) & through them into the pot with the carcas
3- Add water to the pot (enough to cover the meat)
4- Add in seasonings (sea salt, pepper, thyme, basil, & sage are my staples) this is a shoot from the hip/taste test/preference type of deal so add seasoning as needed!

5- Cover pot and bring to a boil then turn to low & let it simmer for 8-12 hours (10-15 hours for crockpot)

6- Use a fine strainer to strain the broth a few times. I use a series of 3 different sizes of strainers (view images below)

7- Pour into glass jars, seal (using a canner) to store on a pantry shelf -or- place in the fridge (keeps for 7-10 days) -or- freeze (be sure to leave about 1” headspace at the top of the jar so it doesn’t explode!)

Bone Broth Recipe Card:
1-Place bones from chicken, beef, pork, turkey (any amount will do, you will just adjust the liquid) into a stock pot -or- crockpot
2- Rough chop veggies (carrots, onions, garlic, celery, & herbs are my go to) & through them into the pot with the carcas
3- Add water to the pot (enough to cover the meat)
4- Add in seasonings (sea salt, pepper, thyme, basil, & sage are my staples) this is a shoot from the hip/taste test/preference type of deal so add seasoning as needed!
5- Cover pot and bring to a boil then turn to low & let it simmer for 8-12 hours (10-15 hours for crockpot)
6- Use a fine strainer to strain the broth a few times
7- Pour into glass jars, seal (using a canner) to store on a pantry shelf -or- place in the fridge (keeps for 7-10 days) -or- freeze (be sure to leave about 1” headspace at the top of the jar so it doesn’t explode!)