Was I inspired by them or inspired to be them?Consumed.A few months after starting Brie & Blondie homestead my message inboxes on social media were getting really busy. The blog was growing just like I hoped and dreamed for.. Right? I poured hours of effort into well thought out posts and crafting beautiful imagery. I caught myself spending an abnormal amount of time on Instagram posting, reading messages, following, posting, liking, consuming, internalizing. Comparing. Following. Liking. … [Read more...] about An Awakening.
Homestead Journal
Fire on the Homestead
"It's all gone. The garage is gone."I was 3 hours away on a 2 day trip flying puppies for my puppy business, planning on coming home that afternoon. Tuesday, June 16th, early morning a fight broke out in the hallway of my hotel that was across the street from the Minneapolis-St.Paul Airport. I called my husband, he didn't answer. I nervously watched pushing, shoving, name calling, door slamming right outside my door wanting so bad to load up and leave but feared what danger this would expose me … [Read more...] about Fire on the Homestead
But first, Coffee.
C is for Car and F is for F-itGosh so my avid friend ADHD is always faithful to make sure I'm aboard the crazy train at all times- which turned me into a dog breeder. Long story short, Copper B Farms has blessed me with an abundance of new friends across the U.S. anddd one more thing to tend to. We are now up to 4 breeding dogs and with the stud dog (old papa bear the baloney pony) located a solid 3 hours away, I'm spending countless hours driving the pavement with a hairy/ready to get some side … [Read more...] about But first, Coffee.
Celebrating Spring
We are celebrating Easter weekend on the farm with weapons for the kids and cheap decor for mom.Easter traditions are looking different for us this year- probably like most of you too. After loosing my shizzz with homeschooling this week I offered up a game of hide and seek to avoid the last journal entry for the day until dad got home. Not sure how my 6 year old thought he would fit in there, but he seemed to investigate my swim suit drawer as a possible refuge. Amongst the sun faded, elastic … [Read more...] about Celebrating Spring
Repurposed Apron
The benefit of being brokeHer little red ponytail bounced up and down as I prodded pins through the strap around her neck. It was 10:28 at night. The time when all good sewing projects are inspired to start.I've been homeschooling for 2 weeks now and hit my first breaking point. My heart and soul were demanding for wine- the whole bottle at that, and a therapist- two things I don't have access to right now with the current condition of the world.In attempt to distract my gritting teeth from … [Read more...] about Repurposed Apron
GETTING THROUGH THE HEAVY STUFFWAIT + WEIGHTThe earth is muted and the wind blows hard cold air and heavy snow at the front door, making me never want to open it. But I do. And we must. This slow, stationary pace has purpose in it's lack of excitement, it also brings tea by day, red wine by night and too many donuts but really who's counting? This is a waiting period. The weighting period. A time to gain inspiration and inches to the waistline from experimenting in the kitchen, relaxing on the … [Read more...] about GAINING THAT WINTER WAIT