A cousin of mine borrowed our cloth diapers for a few months after her 9 month old developed a horrendous ongoing diaper rash possibly due to a bad box of diapers. I sent them off with her and wished her the best in the laundering department. They came back whiter and brighter than I sent them to her with! She said she used this concoction of peroxide, dish soap and water. HOLY MOLY! So simple and works amazing!

BS + Vinegar
Our farm water tends to just lock in dirt and just can’t cut through the suds. I add my soap, then an 1/8c. of vinegar to each load of laundry. It helps break down any residue and soften the water a bit (the epsom salt in my homemade laundry detergent also helps with this!). If a stain is really giving you grief- throw some vinegar or baking soda directly to the stain then spray with stain remover!

•Spray bottle /glass or metal (I use an 8oz bottle, it’s small enough to throw in your diaper bag or bring in the car to spot clean on the go)
•Dishsoap (I find Dawn dish soap to work the best but you could also replace with my DIY Dish soap)
•Essential oil (optional- I use lemon, lime & thieves)
-Fill the bottle 3/4 full with water (or vinegar to increase strength)
-Fill almost to the top of bottle with peroxide
-Add a tablespoon or so of dish soap until your bottle is filled