The earth is muted and the wind blows hard cold air and heavy snow at the front door, making me never want to open it. But I do. And we must. This slow, stationary pace has purpose in it’s lack of excitement, it also brings tea by day, red wine by night and too many donuts but really who’s counting?

This is a waiting period. The weighting period. A time to gain inspiration and inches to the waistline from experimenting in the kitchen, relaxing on the couch with a devotional book, sitting at the sewing machine getting to those hemming jobs that I managed to hold off through the busy fall months. It feels desolate in all areas of production.

But, the quiet gives my mind the space it needs to plan and prepare for my next season of growing.

Inward Roots make Outward Growth.

Grow is my word for the year. Sometimes this word means expansion and sometimes it means to withhold. Growing more or growing less, these last few months of winter I’m preparing my mind mentally for the hardships and gratification of what the messy soil ahead will bring with the changing of seasons and work pace.

I feel anxious. There’s so much to look forward to on my homestead. Momma’s birthing puppies and fresh calves remind me that life is a blessing, earth breaking seeds remind me that God is faithful, homemade meals at the table with my kids remind me to be grateful, and then the storms that wreck the whole darn thing remind that each day, God is the author, narrating a storyline that ebb and flows with between abundant joy and famine hardships.

And that is something we miss in the busy-ness of the other seasons.


See Michelle, even Jesus is telling you to chill out. So, I wait in anticipation of all things green but rest in the silence of what this season’s purpose is. To plant foundational roots of faithfulness.